Weekly Photo Challenge: Express Yourself

Once upon a time .. there conversation between me,an girl and boy

Me : hi, may i take a picture two of you?

boy: heheheheh


cat : -_-

and VOILA!! this is they picture

life is better when you're laughing

ah….life is better when you’re laughing,right cat?…..  | cat : zzzzzz

In response to The Daily Post’s weekly photo challenge: “Express Yourself.”

24 pemikiran pada “Weekly Photo Challenge: Express Yourself

    • aaaaa trimakasih dibilang keren aaaa …. *seneng *screen capture
      hehe iya kebetulan dapet expresi itu dan liat ada challenge tentang ekpresi jadi nyoba ikutan (enggak tau tuh bener apa engga formatnya *newbie ) hehe
      salam kenal juga mba Sandrine Tungka 🙂


  1. Not only them, but also the cat had an expression to express himself (I assumed the cat as “he”).
    Very natural. I like pictures which resemble people and animal’s natural expressions.

    Disukai oleh 1 orang

    • Aaaaah thanks mba santi,
      yes indeed life’s sooooo muuuuuch easier when we’re kids no deadline no revisi no besok makan apa? no patah hati *malah curhat* hahahah


    • aww thanks …saya juga karna penasaran aja mba,soalnya Challenge2an ini sering nongol di reader,nyoba ikutan deh,dan gak tau nih next ikut apa enggak X)
      makasih udah mampir mba titiw 🙂


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